
Who we are

Logo Freshmile

Freshmile is an electric mobility operator and load aggregator. Freshmile develops technologies enabling the integration of electric vehicles into the electrical grid, in order to reduce the cost for users and minimize the environmental impact of electric mobility.

Headquartered in Strasbourg, Freshmile has developed the "Alsace Auto 2.0” demonstration project, pioneering the approach of mobility as a service for electric cars.

Freshmile has developed in particular a strong interest in electrical storage, as batteries in electric cars can be considered as a means for distributed storage. Freshmile's team relies on strong competences acquired in the fields of power plant development, cleantech and financial mathematics.

Freshmile is privately-held and does not linked to any industrial group. It relies on private and public funding.

Arnaud Mora is Freshmile’s CEO. He has got a degree in finance and economics, experience in banking and venture capital as well as in cleantech and renewable energy project development (wind power plants, solar power plants).

Dimitri Finker is Freshmile’s CTO. He has got a degree in electrical engineering as well as other degrees in physics and in management. He has significant experience in the energy and telecom industry, having worked for the International Atomic Energy Agency and Areva.


What we do in the project

Freshmile is involved in several work packages in AlpStore. Its main tasks lie with WP5, for which Fresmile is the leader. 

We will focus on defining roadmaps for the maximisation of renewable energy and energy storage on the different AlpStore territories.

We aim at proving that territories can move towards energy independence for their electricity needs and for their mobility needs. We will pay great attention to demonstrating the future role of distributed storage and distributed power generation vs. centralised generation and storage.

Lastly, we will work on the economics, so that the AlpStore project can have direct commercial real-life applications.


Contact Data

Aéroport international  Strasbourg
Bâtiment Blériot
67960 Entzheim - France

Contact Person

Arnaud Mora, CEO
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 68 84 58


Social Media

Freshmile et les Trophées Alsace Innovation 2012 on Youtube

Freshmile on Facebook
