Municipality Jezersko

Who we are

Logo Municipality of Jezersko

The Municipality of Jezersko was established in 1998. The Municipality comprises the surface area of 6881 hectares. Surrounding municipalities are Tržic, Preddvor, Kamnik, Solcava, and in the north the Republic of Austria.

Statistics from the year 2010 show that 700 people lived in Jezersko, out of which 350 were women and 350 men. An average age of the population was 41,8, that was higher than the national average.

The Municipality has kindergarten, primary school (1-5 class), post, shop, doctor, petrolstation, a few hotels and apartments. Unemployment is low to compare with Slovenia, but most people work out of Jezersko.


  • provide conditions for the economic development of the municipality
  • provide adequate spatial development
  • concern for the protection of air, soil, water resources, noise protection, collection and disposal of waste and perform other environmental protection activities
  • construct, maintain and regulate local public roads
  • promote the educational activity
  • promote the development of sport and recreation
  • investments in renewable energy and raise awareness among locals.


  • decline in population (low birth rate and emigration)
  • distance from major towns
  • loss of essential elements needed by location (ATM, petrol station, post, doctor, …)
  • low budget does not allow for large investments
  • poor economic development.

What we do in the project

The Municipality of Jezersko has due to its location in the border region and in basin Kamnik Alps specific physical geographical conditions. Due to the isolation, remoteness from major centers and more frequent extreme weather events, life in this area is different.

Given that the area is remote from major centers and economic development in the past was not strong, the basic electricity infrastructure is obsolete. The major part of the route follows the overgrown and steep slopes, so the line is exposed to adverse weather conditions (wind, snow). Because of that Jezersko is in the reliability and security of electricity supply deteriorating. Due to the above facts often lead to power outages, which are lasting several hours to several days.

The Municipality of Jezersko will carry out pilot activities at the local level, a technical design for an energy storage system will be created and implemented to increase the reliability of power supply. A mountain charging station will also be installed. A simulation for the impact assessment of the warehouse to the local network will be carried out.

Contact data

Obcina Jezersko
Zg. Jezersko 65
4206 zg. Jezersko


Contact person

Mojca Markic
Phone: +386 4 25 45 110
Fax: +386 4 25 45 111



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A great success for the AlpStore final event in the Aosta Valley