Energy Storage for the Alpine Space – AlpStore Kick-Off Conference, February, 25th and 26th, 2013

The energy turnaround will not work without proper storage technologies. But how many storage facilities do we need, which ones and where? These are the questions to be addressed by power suppliers, network operators and responsible decision makers from municipalities and regions.

town hall Grafing, Source: City of Grafing b.MünchenThe AlpStore project started in the middle of the year 2012 with partners from all seven Alpine Space countries. The aim is to contribute a part of the answers to these questions.

The demand for storage facilities is closely connected to the volatility of renewable energy sources. Wind and solar energy are not continuously available. Short-term peaks in energy generation and consumption have to be balanced. Additionally there is also the need to detect means and ways to bridge longer periods of little energy generation. There is a wide range of storage technologies for short-term and long-term purposes. The AlpStore project will lead to assessments, what kinds of storage means are reasonable to be used to different extents in different regions – from the technological as well as the economical perspective.

The 19 partners of the Alpine Space project AlpStore will investigate the current and anticipated framework requirements of energy supply. A special focus is set on the challenges connected to planning and application of these technologies. After all, it is great importance that changes within the energy system do not endanger the security of energy supply nor lead to unacceptable increases of energy costs.

The AlpStore partners develop long-term masterplans for their regions. Based on these masterplans, in every region short-term pilot implementations will be planned and implemented as far as possible. The local projects range from the use of storage technologies in private houses to second-life use of e-car-batteries at charging stations for e-bikes, optimized opera-tion of biogas plants or the testing of compressed air storage facilities.

On the occasion of the AlpStore Kick-Off Conference taking place on February 25th and 26th 2013 in the City of Grafing b.München, District of Ebersberg, the goals and first results of the EU-funded project will be presented. The conference is addressed to public utility companies and regional decision makers in particular, who aim to contribute to the local energy turnaround by implementing ambitious energy and climate protection plans.

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The international partners’ very enlightening and revealing contributions will be translated into English simultaneously on the first day of the conference.

The second day will completely be held in English language.