RDA-BSC - Business Support Centre Kranj

Who we are

Logo Business Support Centre Kranj

Regional development agency Gorenjska, BSC, Business support centre, l.t.d., Kranj, founded in 1995, is regional support institution for entrepreneurial and socio-economic development of the Gorenjska region, which is spread out in north-west Slovenia. Its mission is to carry out, together with local, regional, national and international partners, development activities that take into account the needs of the region and the opportunities it offers, thus contributing towards the creation of favourable development conditions in Gorenjska and the establishment of a regional environment favourable to economic growth. Together with partners shapes the region’s development strategy and implements programmes and integral projects that strengthen the economy by linking the needs of companies and local communities with national and European development policies. It is also the key player in the establishment of cross-border cooperation with regions abroad. 
Key services of Regional development agency  Gorenjska – BSC Kranj: Preparation, implementation  and manage-ment of regional and local development programmes, development, preparation, implementation and project man-agement of local, regional, national, EU funded and international funded development projects from all fields of development (technology and SME development, innovations, rural development, urban development, tourism, human resource development, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency systems, ICT development, technology parks, technology centres, Business incubators, environmental topics, e-learning, employment projects, etc.) It is especially strong in project partnership building, with the wide experience from EU funded projects (more than 100, different programmes: Interreg, Phare, Leonardo da Vinci, 5th FP, 6th FP, 7th FP, AAL, Erasmus, Equal, etc: It is also institution which has developed and now manage a significant number of support institutions or schemes  within the region, like: Business Incubator, Guaranty Scheme, Microcredit Scheme, Labour Fund, Rural Development Centre, One-Stop- Shop, Scholarship Grant Scheme, LEADER Scheme, Voucher Consulting Scheme. It is also dealing investment promotion, business consultancy and promotion of links between small and medium-sized enterprises, institutions and cross-border and international cooperation.

What we do in the project

As Regional development agency with many experiences on Alpine Space projects and many others, we are one of three slovenian partners, inside of slovenian Alpstore consortium. Together with Faculty of Electrical engineering and Municipality Jezersko we will implement pilot project in Jezersko and develop a suitable system of electricity storage.
We will organize management of the project on regional level in terms of organisation, reporting and financial transfers. We will be responsible for he regional cooperation among partners, observers and all relevant institutions. We will work on financial and content reports, get the certificates from the first level control and participate at all transnational meetings and organise kick off meeting, together with teambuilding in Slovenia.
BSC Kranj will contribute content to website and to development and implementation of media plans.We will contribute to the description of respective national frameworks of storages in relation to mobility technology (plug-in electric, fuel cell and gas vehicles) and traffic patterns. We are also responsible for the description integration of AlpStore models with the AlpEnergy VPS model.
Together with both slovenian partners we will develop holistic masterplans for respective region with specific emphasis and description of off grid situations of small mountain villages. We will describe technical requirements for pilot  tests (mobility system, energy generation and storage system, ICT) and a work plan. Slovenian consortium will also present implementation plans to local decisions makers, technical partners and investors to get commitment and financial support. We will try to manage regional stakeholder committees.
Together with other two slovenian partners, we will execute pilot tests and create reports for decision makers, we will also install and monitor REDOX flow batteries to balance PV in Jezersko.
At the end of the Alpstore project, our main goal will be to introduce those project results to our decision makers, we will organize study trip of Slovenian authorities to Jezersko, integrate results into Slovenian Strategic Development Documents and do the promotion activity in Balkan countries.

Contact data

Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska
BSC, Business Support Centre, Ltd
Cesta Staneta Žagarja 37
4000 Kranj

Contact Person

Jelena Vidovic, project assistant
00386 4 281 72 44
00386 4 281 72 49