University of Technology Belfort-Montbéliard

Who we are

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Created in 1999, the UTBM is a university with scientific, cultural and professional objectives. A member of a group of universities of technology, UTBM was formed from the merger of two universities: the Engineering University of Belfort (l'Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Belfort founded in 1962) and the Polytechnic Institute of Sevenans (l'Institut Polytechnique de Sévenans - founded in Sévenans in 1985).

The UTBM has implemented a policy favouring the convergence of the activities of the 7 research departments around the subject of terrestrial transport and energy. The research domains are battery systems for transport applications, automation and control, mechatronics, methods and models, energy, applied mechanics, and metallurgy. The UTBM, specially the Laboratory IRTES-SET, has been involved in many European projects (FP6, FP7), and plays an important role in the economic society by providing expertise to industrial and authorities related to intelli-gent transport systems and energy.

What we do in the project

In this project, we aim to define methods and protocols for exploitation battery and fuel cell based electric vehicles as energy storage solutions in the alpine space. The goal is to develop a holistic approach to the problem of electric mobility/electricity production. It is basically an at-tempt to hit two birds with one stone; on one hand, to reduce fossil fuel emissions in modern transportation, by motivating the general public to switch to electric vehicles, and on the other hand, reducing pollution related to electricity production by providing a large scale electricity storage capacity, allocating a greater role to intermittent renewable energy in the overall energy sector. In this regard, the project addresses the difficult issue of electricity storage at different levels. On the regional level, this issue is the central to the technical feasibility of opting out of nuclear production, for countries like Germany and Switzerland. In fact, a decentralized storage capacity that is operable in real time (as offered by the EV batteries) is necessary for mass-production and exploitation of renewable energy that these countries wish to develop. The objectives of the study to be carried out are as follows:

  • Verification of a solution for energy storage and transportation through vehicles (energy on demand; vehicle)
  • Study of a model infrastructure for administration and management of a V2G solution;
  • Feasibility and possible integration of fuel cell based energy solution in micro or nano-grid.


Contact Data

Laboratoire IRTES-SET
Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard

90010 Belfort cedex - France


Contact Person

Salah Laghrouche
Phone: +33 (0)3 84 58 34 19