Work Package 8: Dissemination


This WP makes sure that the STORM concept, the practical experiences of the pilot implementations and all other AlpStore findings will reach a broad range of decision makers and practitioners. With conferences, summer schools, workshops and study trips the project will attract many stakeholders. The results will be summarized in the form of best practice descriptions and recommendations. National and EC institutions shall receive reliable recommendations notably with the final guidelines.

The activities such as conferences, summer schools or study trips from WP 8 will be accompanied by PR activities on the website, newsletters and media presence from WP 3. The findings of WP 4 (white book), 5, 6 and 7 will be gathered in guidelines, studies and brochures and used for workshops and symposiums in WP 8.


October 2012 - December 2014


WP Responsible

B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH (Lead Partner)