Press releases

  • Press release "Final Conference and Study Trip", organized by Aosta Valley Region (AOSTA) and Euroimpresa Legnano (EU-IMP), Municipality of Bard, Italy. February 26-27, 2015. [Download (en) – Download (ita)].
  • Press release "Workshop Decision Makers WP8.2 - E-mobility and storage: evolving scenarios of the Lombardy Region", organized by ALOT, Milan, Italy. March 26, 2015. [Download (ita)].

  • Press release "AlpStore @Mobilis Conference 2014", workshop organized by Freshmile within the conference, Strasbourg, France. December 2nd, 2014. [Download (eng) - Download (fr)]
  • Press release "AlpStore Autumn School", organized by USI-ALaRI, Lugano, Switzerland, October 8th and 9th, 2014. [Download (eng)]

  • Press release "E-Mobility & Storage" and Evaluation Workshop WP7, organized by ALOT, Brescia, Italy, October 1st., 2014. [Download (ita) - Download (eng)]
  • Press release "First e-mobility Day, Aosta", organized by AOSTA, Aosta, Italy, on September 27th, 2014. [Download (eng)]

  • Press release Regional Workshop Study Trip, organized by EU-IMP, Legnano, Italy, July 2nd, 2014. [Download (ita) - Download (eng)]

  • Press release Technical Workshop, organized by AOSTA, Bard Municipality, Italy, June 27th, 2014. [Download (eng) - Download (ita)]

  • Press release 3rd Technical Symposium, organized by VLOTTE, Bregenz, Austria, June 3rd, 2014. [Download]
  • Press release 2nd Technical Symposium, organized by UTBM, Belfort, France, March 27th, 2014. [Download (eng)]
  • Press release AlpStore in Tecnocity, Euroimpresa workshop, Legnano, November 8th, 2013 [Download here (ita)]
  • Press release AlpStore Technical Symposium in Mantua, pre event [Download here1 + Download here2]
  • Press release AlpStore Technical Symposium in Mantua, post event [Download here]
  • Press release (pre) AlpStore project presentation in Aosta, Italy, October 10, 2013. [Download here]
  • Press release (post) AlpStore project presentation in Aosta, Italy, October 10, 2013. [Download here]
  • Press release "Solarenergie auch abends nutzen". October 10th, 2013. [Download here1 + Download here2]
  • Press release AlpStore Summer School Ljubljana. June 26, 27, 28, 2013. [Download here (en) / Download here (slo)]
  • Press release of Eza! Workshop, neue qualität für bau und energie, May 15th, 2013, Wertach (DE). [Download here]
  • Press release: Agire_Illuminazione intelligente e risparmio energetico, April 16th, 2013 [Download here]
  • Press release AlpStore Auftakt Conference, Grafing b.München, January 25, 2013. [Download here (de)]
  • PressRelease Allgäu - Agenda simulation toolsAlpstore' italian press release, Brescia, February 18, 2013. [Download here]
  • Press release by Pôle Véhicule du Futur, February 8, 2013. [Download here (fr)]
  • Press release by Universität Liechtenstein and alpine Raumentwicklung, Vaduz, July 7, 2012. Download here (de)]
  • AÜW, BAUM, EZA!, Nutzung stationärer undmobiler Speicher als Puffer für dezentral erzeugte und fluktuierende Erneuerbare Energien [Download here]


Breaking news

AlpStore FINAL CONFERENCE and Study Trip, February 26-27, 2015
A great success for the AlpStore final event in the Aosta Valley