University of Lugano, Advanced Learning and Research Institute

Who we are

USI-ALaRI (Advanced Learning and Research Institute,, an Institute of Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland), was established in 1999 with the mission of pro-moting research and education in Embedded Systems Design. USI-ALARI was created as a joint initiative of a number of Universities, Research Centers and Companies. The main areas of the current research activities at USI-ALARI are: system specification, co-design and optimiza-tion of pervasive systems, design of robust security solutions, power-aware modeling and design for pervasive systems. 
Considering the areas relevant to AlpStore, past and on-going activities by ALaRI include re-search on smart metering (developed already since 2002, as documented by a number of publi-cations) and, more recently research related to energy efficiency. The relevant related projects include project AlpEnergy ( in the context of an InterReg Alpine Space programme and GeoGreen (,an ongoing project in scope of SmartGrid ERA-Net programme. In these project, ALaRI tackles the problem of system-level modeling of power systems, starting from user requirements collection and their translation into system and functional requirements for subsequent definition of information flow and design of the actual ICT-based enabling technologies (i.e. embedded systems).

What we do in the project 

In scope of AlpStore project USI-ALaRI contributes to:

Analysis of present industrial and academic state-of-the-art solutions for efficient sta-tionary and mobile storages integration in power systems. 
Definition of system context, identification of stakeholders and their requirements. De-velopment of relevant scenarios (i.e. use cases). 
Adoption of system engineering process which facilitates end-user (energy producer, consumer, authorities) requirements and constraints collection, feasibility technical and business studies etc. 
Creation of a reference model of the supporting ICT infrastructure as a result of iterative process of system engineering approach integrating research findings and pilot best-practices achievements. 
Assessments of actual pilot implementations. 
The modeling process (based on UML/SysML and possibly BPMN for commercial issues) takes into account technical but also local environment characteristics aiming at determination of in-formation flow/ ICT model in form of structural and behavioral models. These models would help in achieving efficient energy utilization, production/consumption balance, monitoring, and more-over facilitate assessments.


Contact data

Università della Svizzera italiana - ALaRI
Via Buffi 13

Contact Person

Umberto Bondi, Program manger
Dr. Slobodan Lukovic, PostDoc



AlpStore FINAL CONFERENCE and Study Trip, February 26-27, 2015
A great success for the AlpStore final event in the Aosta Valley